Web Site: ifisher@goldenpacificcapital.com
Markets Served : Nationwide

BID, LLC is actively seeking mobile home park opportunities to capitalize.

We are a group formed by three partners who are all experienced real estate owner-operators, with a significant focus on affordable housing and manufactured housing in particular, and now focused on growth primarily through JV structures. The three partners have existing operating platforms in mobile home parks, single family rentals, and multifamily apartments, and collectively control $250MM+ in real estate.

We are acting as capital partners to a range of operators around the country – largely in the MHP space, but also in other real estate asset classes.

In the MHP space we typically look for operators with a property management staff along with home sales, collections, maintenance/rehab systems; typically I would think this would be groups with 500-3000 pads, but that isn’t a hard and fast rule. We are particularly open to working with larger operators as well, where we can bring more institutional-style capital to the table. We have a strong interest in development opportunities - whether completely new communities or expansions of existing communities.

We are also open to recapitalization scenarios – that is, if you own / operate a park and are looking for ways to cash out some or all of your / your investors’ equity but still continue operating and profiting from the park, we can potentially be helpful on that front as well.

Finally, we are always open to enquiries from those who have deals available for assignment and those looking to invest passively.
